Are you a Carer or do you Have a Carer?
Please complete the form so we can register you as a carer on your medical records.
If you are registered as a carer we can:
- make you aware of the carer’s flu jab each year
- talk to you about your mental health and the impact of your caring role
- provide you with general information and advice
- refer you to helpful organisations and services that can improve your caring situation
- provide flexibility with appointment times, for both yourself and/or the person you care for to accommodate your caring situation
- share information about the condition of the person you care for (with their consent)
- support you with any physical health issues related to your caring role, like tiredness
If you would like more support to help your role as a carer visit the Cheshire East Carers Hub you can access a 24-hour chatline manned by other carers and no referral is required.
Download our Carers Form.
The Cheshire East Carers Hub can also arrange for unpaid carers to be invited for a Covid Vaccination via the national booking system. Just contact them by phone or complete their online form so they can contact you.